Peep inside a rocket to see the fuel going in then help launch it into space Ingenious flaps show how parts drop away from the rocket as the fuel is used up and how it clicks into the docking position when it reaches the International Space Station Curious young children can open flaps to peep right inside the capsule Mission Control and the ISS to find out how everything works and then open a parachute to help the astronauts return to Earth 

Peep Inside How a Rocket Works

de Lara Bryan

75.6 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000267350

Editura: Usborne

ISBN: 978-1-8013-1182-3

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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Peep inside a rocket to see the fuel going in, then help launch it into space. Ingenious flaps show how parts drop away from the rocket as the fuel is used up, and how it clicks into the docking position when it reaches the International Space Station. Curious young children can open flaps to peep right inside the capsule, Mission Control and the ISS to find out how everything works, and then open a parachute to help the astronauts return to Earth.


ISBN 978-1-8013-1182-3
Tip coperta Cartonat

Lara Bryan

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