The dolls are always being invited to exciting parties from summer barbecues and pool parties to spooky Halloween parties and fireworks parties but they need help getting ready Choose from over 350 stickers including warm winter clothes for an ice skating party and swashbuckling costumes for a pirate party to dress the dolls so they look fabulous for every occasion Sparkly stickers add life to each beautifully illustrated scene filled with charming

Sticker Dolly Dressing Parties

de 978-1-4749-9085-1

67.2 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000267709

Editura: Usborne

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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14 de zile drept de retur. detalii

The dolls are always being invited to exciting parties, from summer barbecues and pool parties to spooky Halloween parties and fireworks parties, but they need help getting ready. Choose from over 350 stickers, including warm winter clothes for an ice skating party and swashbuckling costumes for a pirate party, to dress the dolls so they look fabulous for every occasion. Sparkly stickers add life to each beautifully illustrated scene, filled with charming details.


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